• HAZID study is a tool for hazard identification, used early in a project as soon as process flow diagrams, draft heat and mass balances, and plot layouts are available. Existing site infrastructure, weather, and geotechnical data are also required, these being a source of external hazards.
  • This method is a design-enabling tool, acting to help organize the HSE deliverables in a project and the structured brainstorming technique typically involves designer and client personnel engineering disciplines, project management, commissioning and operations.
  • Major findings and hazard ratings help to deliver HSE compliance, and form part of the project Risk Register required by many licensing authorities.


The HAZID process follows 4 steps :

  • Risk Identification
  • Risk Assessment
  • Risk Improvement (Management & Reduction)
  • Final Risk Checking and Progression to next project phase.


  • It reveals hazards at an early stage, before they happen and the Hazards are recorded so that they can be avoided, mitigated or highlighted during design.
  • It establishes hazard screening criteria which enables you to document non-critical hazards and avoids budget overruns.
  • The objective is twofold: the management of HSE risks during the project development and the traceability, as a result of an exhaustive recording, of this risk management.

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