• Quantitative Risk Analysis is a method of quantifying the highest priority risks in order to determine the probability of achieving the overall cost and schedule objectives.
  • For example, rather than ranking the probability of achieving of a risk as a three on a scale of one to five qualitatively, we should estimate the probability to be 50% or we would say the impact is three weeks or $30,000.
  • In simple words, it refers to the project related process performing a thorough and complete numeric analysis of the overall effect of the complete and total quantifiable amount of risks in the entirety of the predetermined list of project objectives.


  • It allows us to evaluate the overall project risk from the individual risks.
  • For more critical decisions, QRA provides more objective information and data than the qualitative analysis.
  • It gives better estimates for projects by considering the potential impact of the risks on the schedule and budget.


  • Projects that require a contingency Reserve for the schedule and budget.
  • Large, complex projects that require Go / No Go decisions.
  • Projects where upper management wants more detail about probability of completing the project on the schedule and within budget.


  • It is very easy to use.
  • There is no computation involved.
  • Flexibility in the procedure and in the manner of reporting.


Three Point Estimate : A technique that uses the optimistic, most likely and pessimistic values to determine the best estimate.
Decision tree analysis : A diagram that shows the implications of choosing one or other alternatives.
Expected monetary value (EMV) : A method used to establish the contingency reserves for a project budget and schedule.
Monte Carlo Analysis : A technique that uses optimistic, most likely and pessimistic estimates to determine the total project cost and project compilation dates.
Sensitivity Analysis : A technique used to determine which risks have the greatest impact on a project.
Fault Tree Analysis : The analysis of a structured diagram which identifies elements that can cause system failure.


  • The results depend on the attitude of the team carrying out the analysis.
  • It is not suitable for lower regulated organizations.

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